Meet The Team

Liz Reingold, Principal

Always on the go, I thrive when I am juggling multiple tasks at once. In particular, I am in my element when I am out meeting with and talking to people.  Thirty years in the media industry has taught me that developing and maintaining strong relationships is the foundation on which long lasting partnerships are built.  Each and every client I have worked with along the way has become part of my professional fabric.

The Mix’d Media Marketing venture gives me the opportunity to weave together the perspective I have gained through my years of experience in marketing and advertising with my passion for helping others. At the core is the satisfaction that I get from working directly with businesses to help guide them on their own path to success.

Of course it is not only about developing strategic media plans and implementing marketing strategies. So, when it’s time to take a break, I am always looking for something new to tackle.  Whether it is volunteering for community projects, traveling the world with my family or trying to pretend that I actually like yoga, I am always looking for something new to spark my interest.

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Lisa Kiczales, Principal

Ever since I can remember I have loved a project. From school assignments and craft projects when I was young, to painting a room or composing a recommendation for a client’s business, I am happiest when setting a goal, making a plan and tackling a project head on. My analytical, detail oriented side that finds designing the perfect Excel spreadsheet compelling, works seamlessly with the free thinking, creative side of me that can conceive of a thought provoking marketing campaign.

However, the best and most satisfying projects are my collaborations with others. Sharing ideas and bringing solutions to life are what motivates me. Through my years of ad agency and publishing experience I have acquired the insight and perspective to design comprehensive, strategic and effective programs for businesses. Establishing relationships and developing partnerships with clients by creating innovative solutions has been the cornerstone of my career. 

My professional experiences, along with the people and businesses I’ve worked with, resulted in Mix’d Media Marketing – my ultimate project.

If you are looking for me you might find me at my computer, sketching a layout or maybe even on a stepstool with a paintbrush in hand!

Email Lisa

Lisa Kiczales, Principal

Ever since I can remember I have loved a project. From school assignments and craft projects when I was young, to painting a room or composing a recommendation for a client’s business, I am happiest when setting a goal, making a plan and tackling a project head on. My analytical, detail oriented side that finds designing the perfect Excel spreadsheet compelling, works seamlessly with the free thinking, creative side of me that can conceive of a thought provoking marketing campaign.

However, the best and most satisfying projects are my collaborations with others. Sharing ideas and bringing solutions to life are what motivates me. Through my years of ad agency and publishing experience I have acquired the insight and perspective to design comprehensive, strategic and effective programs for businesses. Establishing relationships and developing partnerships with clients by creating innovative solutions has been the cornerstone of my career. 

My professional experiences, along with the people and businesses I’ve worked with, resulted in Mix’d Media Marketing – my ultimate project.

If you are looking for me you might find me at my computer, sketching a layout or maybe even on a stepstool with a paintbrush in hand!

Email Lisa

Mason, Brand Ambassador

I have a big personality and love to meet and greet new people. But, watch out, I might knock you over with my enthusiasm!

Tanner, Security Detail

I’m small but mighty and very protective. While it may look like I am sleeping on the job, I always have one eye open!

Mason, Brand Ambassador

I have a big personality and love to meet and greet new people. But, watch out, I might knock you over with my enthusiasm!

Tanner, Security Detail

I’m small but mighty and very protective. While it may look like I am sleeping on the job, I always have one eye open!